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- Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 64 Bit Download 2017
- Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 64 Bit Download Filehippo
- Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 64 Bit Download Free
As far as I know, MSCOMCT2.OCX works only on 32-bit systems, so if you are using a 64-bit version of Office, then you won't be able to install the control. If you are running 32-bit version of Excel, generally we could take the steps you have mentioned in your thread to register the calendar control in your system. A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system running Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Service Pack 6.
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Just add the necessary code from the downloaded Excel spreadsheet (he provides) to your own and make some minor code adjustments and viola your problem is solved. Hope this helps.
In relation to the pictures/screen dumps, 2 of them made it (I can see them in my post). One I deliberately left out because there was nothing on there that showed anything other than the rest of the 'More Controls' - nothing to do with the MonthView. Please feel free to escalate this to the powers that be. And hopefully enough people will join the voice so a change can be made (I can dream. Can't I?) I've taken a screen dump of the Forms/ActiveX toolbox. I don't know what the next step is. I guess you'd be able to advise.
There cannot be two procedures of the same name in a module. In particular, there can only be one Form_Load procedure for a given form - otherwise, which one should be executed when the form opens? You can, however, initialize both sets of date fields in one procedure: Private Sub Form_Load() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 10 Me.Controls('dpkArrDate' & i ).Format = dtpCustom Me,Controls('dpkArrDate' & i).CustomFormat = ' ' ' Me.Controls('dpkDepDate' & i ).Format = dtpCustom Me,Controls('dpkDepDate' & i).CustomFormat = ' ' ' Next i End Sub. Hans, Sorry for the late reply but I have been traveling. Since your last post I have had to start again with my app, as I have established that I didn't plan well enough initially - lesson learnt! Despite having to start again, my original problem remains, however the fields have changed.
Monthview Control Missing In Excel 2013
Extracted the new mscomct2.ocx. Acrobat distiller 9.0 free download. Under the C: Windows syswow64 I changed the original file properties to allow me to overwrite it with the new file. This worked old file replaced. I then registered the new file via the Administrator Command Prompt (as above) and was notified that it was successful. I rebooted pc and went back into Excel to find the MonthView in the ActiveX toolbox, More Controls and it still wasn’t there I would be very grateful if someone could advise how I can get this control and allow me to use it.
Through some research, I found a standalone Excel Date calendar that someone created and was willing to share. I wanted to post a link but I couldn't since I just registered on this, but try the MrExcel website.
Cannot locate Microsoft MonthView Control 6.0. Right clicked on tool box but am unable to see that control add on. Where can I go to get it. Thanks in advance. Apr 05, 2016 Hi Everyone, I am currently working on a userform with Visual Basic in Excel 2013. I would like to add a calendar to my userform but for some reason I cannot find the Microsoft MonthView control 6.0 in the list of additional tools for the userform.Any help? Hi, calobeto_128 Please follow the steps mention below. >>Click on the link.
Hello and Happy New Year everyone I need to develop an userform to add new data to or load existing data from an Excel worksheet, show it to the users, let them modify it and update the worksheet. I'm working with Excel 2010 but the users might be using either Excel 2010 or Excel 2007. Every not empty line of this worksheet has a column which contains a date (in dd/mm/yyyy format) the user is able to enter/modify through a MonthView control. Cells format is set accordingly. Date is mandatory, so no row exists without date. I'm encountering some problems when assigning a value to the MonthView control.
Following code has been modified since original post: Sub AddCalendar() 'Dim ctrl As Control 'Can't use control until after a form created Dim ctrl As Object Dim objCalendarFrm As VBComponent 'Dim mthView As MSForms.Control 'Can't use control until after a form created Dim mthView As Object Dim strCtrlName As String Dim X As Long Dim bolCodeExists As Boolean Dim i As Long strCtrlName = 'MonthView1' 'Test if Userform exists before attempting to create. On Error Resume Next Set objCalendarFrm = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents('CalendarForm') On Error GoTo 0 'Resume error trapping ASAP If Not objCalendarFrm Is Nothing Then 'Not Nothing so CalendarForm exists 'MsgBox objCalendarFrm.Name & ' exists.' 'Used during testing 'Test for existing MonthView control on CalendarForm 'Must use the variable in lieu of CalendarForm because _ code will not compile if CalendarForm does not exist. 'See for more info on following line For Each ctrl In VBA.UserForms.Add(objCalendarFrm.Name).Controls If TypeName(ctrl) = 'MonthView' Then 'MsgBox TypeName(ctrl) & ' control exists.'
Any ideas for code which will achieve my aim? God of war 4 download free. Thanks in advance. Are you sure that having 40 Date/Time pickers on a form is a good idea?
Thanks heaps. The following works which I got from your second URL: Private Sub dpkDepDate1_Change() If dpkDepDate1.Value ' Then dpkDepDate1.Format = dtpShortDate End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() 'First, set date to today.
Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 64 Bit Download 2017
But what to do with it? Am I correct in thinking that I download and unpack then put MSCOMCT2.OCX into my system or sys32 folder, or should it go somewhere else?
Unfortunately it contains sensitive data, I can't share the document as is. In the meanwhile, the userform has become more complex. I created an additional sub, invoked at the end of the activate sub, which contains the MonthView value direct assignment (MonthView.Value =.) and haven't encountered the issue anymore since then.
Then blankout dpkDepDate1 dpkDepDate1.Format = dtpCustom dpkDepDate1.CustomFormat = ' ' ' End Sub Just one more thing. I have 10 fields which the code needs to apply named dpkDepDate1 through to dpkDepDate10.
We have Office 2007 on a desktop running Vista Ultimate. A couple of days ago I posted the following question: I am trying to make a pop-up calendar in excel and am using the page at following link as a guide; When I get to Step 5: Locate the MonthView control I do not see the Monthview Control in 'Additional Controls' window. I have searched through the 'Available References' list (Tools > References) but have not found the MS Monthview Control or the time/date options. Does anyone have a suggestion (or two)?
Hello and Happy New Year everyone I need to develop an userform to add new data to or load existing data from an Excel worksheet, show it to the users, let them modify it and update the worksheet. I'm working with Excel 2010 but the users might be using either Excel 2010 or Excel 2007. Every not empty line of this worksheet has a column which contains a date (in dd/mm/yyyy format) the user is able to enter/modify through a MonthView control. Cells format is set accordingly. Date is mandatory, so no row exists without date. I'm encountering some problems when assigning a value to the MonthView control.
Thanks and Regards, Tigre Bianca. Your example: MonthView. Value = CDate ( ActiveSheet. Range ( 'C' & ActiveCell.
Value ) Should to work. You can have wrote data as text - not as data.
We have Office 2007 on a desktop running Vista Ultimate. A couple of days ago I posted the following question: I am trying to make a pop-up calendar in excel and am using the page at following link as a guide; When I get to Step 5: Locate the MonthView control I do not see the Monthview Control in 'Additional Controls' window. I have searched through the 'Available References' list (Tools > References) but have not found the MS Monthview Control or the time/date options.
I've used the Calendar control successfully on a fairly tight security network. The reason I was able to is that the Calendar Control is standard with Office Professional (and also with stand-alone Access, but I think not with stand-alone Excel), and all our PCs have Office Pro licenses, so that control was already available.
There can be several reasons and needs to be checked which one causing the issue in your case. From the error message,'C:Windows System32 I got the error message access denied.' I can say that you don't have the permissions to copy the file on c drive. Please try to copy the file with administrator rights then you will not get this error message. Then try to test it whether it work or not.
PS: Bold-faced indication is not reflected on a date of the first row left edge (last month part) by malfunction of the MonthView control. Please check it in Google for more information about ComSort11 algorithm.AddinBox_Tsunoda, that was amazing. I tore down the code and commented it to understand it and stepped through the parts I didn't understand and now feel good about it. That was some great coding strategy! A few questions. Where did you find this if you don't mind me asking? What is the 'malfunction' you mentioned?
This video explains how to install and register the Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control and the Microsoft Month View Control and explains how to add them to your User Form Control Toolbox. The video also briefly explains how to use these controls in your forms. Visit www.wiseowl.co.uk for more online training resources in Microsoft Excel, SQL Server, Reporting Services, Analysis Services, Integration Services, ASP.NET, C#, Visual Basic, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Visio and more.
It does not use the monthview control, only a standard userform with standard controls. It is designed to for 32 or 64 bit applications, but I have no feedback from any 64 bit users. It would have to be installed on each computer (as an add-in); but it is simple to access by right-clicking any cell. It can also add a month or year calendar to a worksheet with one click. Again it's free, no ads, no trackers, no cookies and no registration. Download from.
That certainly sounds as if it has to be installed. A quick web search seems to confirm this. If all the PCs have Office installed, though, they probably all have the Calendar control. Would that serve your purpose, or are you using some functionality of MonthView that calendar doesn't have? NB if they are running different versions of office this can get messy, as the name of the library includes the version number, so you have to reference all the versions in your project, with higher numbered versions taking precedence, to ensure it will work on all. Try a web search on 'vba calendar'. There's lots out there. I can't vouch for any of them (I haven't tried any), but I do suggest before you download any that you make sure they'll work with your date format (eg mm-dd-yy vs dd-mm-yy), and as most of them are downloaded in Excel format it would be wise to run a virus scan on them before opening (although that won't save you from nasty code).
To make sure that I have the necessary binary stored, I downloaded and run a batchfile MSCOMC2. Bat however it's still not working. I badly need help. Much Respect.
That proof my assumptions. Dim StrAsDate$ StrAsDate = ActiveSheet.Range('C' & ActiveCell.Row) ' With MonthView.Month = Mid(StrAsDate, 4, 2).Day = Mid(StrAsDate, 1, 2).Year = Mid(StrAsDate, 7, 4) End With So, so EOT? Oskar Shon, Office System Press if Helpful; Answer when a problem solved.
In review my problem is this. I have a form with quite a few sets of fields. They are: dtpArrDate1 through to dtpArrDate10 dtpDepDate1 through to dtpDepDate10 dtpCheckInDate1 through to dtpCheckInDate5 dtpCheckOutDate1 through to dtpCheckOutDate5 dtpCarPickUp1 through to dtpCarPickUp5 dtpCarDropOff1 through to dtpCarDropOff5 The fields are all date picker controls. Currently when the form is loaded the fields display today's date which is not what I want. I want the fields to display as blank until the user actually selects a date. I have had a few goes at writing code to make this happen but never successfully. I also tried to manipulate the code you supplied so generously previously but the changes I have had to make to the app have made it redundant and my skills are not up to scratch programming wise.
Hope someone can help. Try a web search on 'vba calendar'. There's lots out there. I can't vouch for any of them (I haven't tried any), but I do suggest before you download any that you make sure they'll work with your date format (eg mm-dd-yy vs dd-mm-yy), and as most of them are downloaded in Excel format it would be wise to run a virus scan on them before opening (although that won't save you from nasty code).
Excel) that is “using” MonthView control we like it to work on any occasion regardless on the OS type (win) in use, the Office version, whether mscomct2.ocx was installed on the user PC, and if it was, regardless of whether it was installed in the correct folder (sometimes, from my experience, we can fine this ocx installed in more than one location). Moreover if it is a shared file we want it to run flawless on all users PCs (each of them may have different ocx “status”). If however mscomct2.ocx is not present we want to prevent from the user to see compilation errors, etc.
Hope that clarify my intention R.
In this specific case, I need to load in the userform data from the selected row. I've tried two possible ways: 1) MonthView.Value = ActiveSheet.Range('C' & ActiveCell.Row).Value which leads to 'Runtime Error '35778': Error during call to Windows MonthView control.' This happens even if I add a Format call Format(ActiveSheet.Range('C' & ActiveCell.Row).Value, 'dd/mm/yyyy') 2) MonthView.MultiSelect = False MonthView.Day = Left(ActiveSheet.Range('C' & ActiveCell.Row).Value, 2) MonthView.Month = Mid(ActiveSheet.Range('C' & ActiveCell.Row).Value, 4, 2) MonthView.Year = Right(ActiveSheet.Range('C' & ActiveCell.Row).Value, 4) which leads to an error message on the second line saying I can't set the Day when MultiSelect is equal to true but the line right above it actually sets it to False. This issue looks to be happening in a random way, independently from the cell value.
>> copy MSCOMCT2.OCX file and paste it in C: Windows System32. >> open Excel. >> Go to “Developer” Tab. Click on “Insert” in “Controls” group. >> Click on “More Controls” >> then click on “Register Custom” Button. >> then in C: Windows System32 find the “MSCOMCT2.cab” and click on “ok” button.
I've used the Calendar control successfully on a fairly tight security network. The reason I was able to is that the Calendar Control is standard with Office Professional (and also with stand-alone Access, but I think not with stand-alone Excel), and all our PCs have Office Pro licenses, so that control was already available.
Any hint about how to solve this issue will be highly appreciated. Thank you very much and happy new year again.
@ Rotem, Have you had any success with your problem to date? @ Ray Brack, I am interested to know why you believe you have answered the OP's question. The question was: I was not able to add events to the MonthView like Private Sub MonthView_DateDblClick ( ByVal DateDblClicked As Date ) ActiveCell.
Does anyone have a suggestion (or two)? Quickly replied with the following: Welcome to the Forum, The control was removed read this link to download it Thanks for the quick reply I have been to the link and downloaded the file. Adobe photoshop cs6 offline activation serial.
Search on 'Excel 2010 Missing Calendar Control workaround'. Look for response by 'nocky'.
My Excel 2010 app references SP6 for the month view. My experience is that Excel automatically updates references when older ones are specified. A possible option is my free 'Get Your Own Date' excel add-in for xl97 thru xl2010 only.
If I have left out any information that you need to resolve this issue, please advise. Cheers, TheShyButterfly Hope you have a terrific day, theShyButterfly.
But thank you for taking the time to review my post and your suggestion. It's unfortunate that because you are part of the organisation. You tend to cop some slack from frustrated people like myself.
Is there anyway I can write one piece code that will apply to all 10 fields instead of writing the same code 10 times? Thanks as always. Private Sub dpkDepDate1_Change() HandleDateChange 1 End Sub Private Sub dpkDepDate2_Change() HandleDateChange 2 End Sub ' etc. For dkpDepDate3_Change through dkpDepDate10)Change Private Sub HandleDateChange(i As Integer) If Me.Controls('dpkDepDate' & i).Value ' Then Me.Controls('dpkDepDate' & i).Format = dtpShortDate End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 10 'First, set date to today. Then blankout dpkDepDate #i Me.Controls('dpkDepDate' & i ).Format = dtpCustom Me,Controls('dpkDepDate' & i).CustomFormat = ' ' ' Next i End Sub.
Cheers, TheShyButterfly Hope you have a terrific day, theShyButterfly. I ran across the same issue today; however, I found a solution.
Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 64 Bit Download Filehippo
@Rod Gill Using Range.Text or Range.Value gives the same result @Oskar Shon As I said in my first post, cells are formatted as Date. In fact if use +1 formula it shows the following day and not #ARG! Or whatever else. I've also tried similar code (second way described in first post) but I get runtime error 35779 'Impossible to set property Day if Multiselect = True.' Even if the line right above it is actualy MonthView.MultiSelect = False, which leads me to think about a bug in this monthview control. I'll rewrite the code of this form and see if I can get around this issue.
Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 64 Bit Download Free
Another possibility might be the standard Windows MonthCalendar and DateTimePicker controls. These are system controls, so they won't be as straightforward as using Excel or Office controls. I'm sure it's possible to access them via VBA, but I've never done so and am unlikely to be able to offer much advice should you go that path.